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Move Over, Corporate America…
Hello, Small Business America

Corporate America certainly plays a major role in the job market. Yet, the feedback I hear from many candidates working for big business is how impersonal and, frankly, “corporate”, the culture is.

We spend more time at work than anywhere else. As human beings, we need to have a sense of “personal connection” and “feeling valued”. Cashing a fat paycheck is certainly nice, but it will only take us so far before we start wondering if there might be greener pastures elsewhere.

In fact, as a recruiter I often have the most success in recruiting, for instance, a Director of Operations currently working at a large company to come to be a Vice-President of Operations at an SME.


  • Comparable or better compensation;
  • Feeling more “at home” in a warm environment where everyone knows each other;
  • More flexibility with work schedules;
  • More leeway with other occasional employee requests that don’t always “adhere to policy”;
  • Less red tape in the decision process;
  • Better employee & customer experience.

Is there anything a corporation can do to address this? Some try to foster a smaller culture feel by creating divisions and branches with different manufacturing sites and office locations… But is it enough?

Dynamic Search Consulting (DSC) is a boutique executive search firm operating nationally from the Silicon Valley, in San Jose, CA. Call us for your next executive search need.