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Changing Job? Reasons #1 and
#2 Not to Accept a Counter-offer

If you are an executive about to put your notice in and change jobs, this is for you.

Having coached executives for the last decade in their job transition, take my advice: DON’T CONSIDER A COUNTER-OFFER!

I find 5 excellent reasons not to:

Reason #1: Trust broken

Imagine breaking up with your Significant Other. They plead and convince you to reconsider so the relationship continues.

It may not be as dramatic in the professional world, but this is essentially what is happening.

At this point, your employer knows you are not loyal. Trust is broken, the relationship will never be the same.

Reason #2: Your employer is buying time

You leave with a 2-week notice. Your employer has 2 weeks to replace you… That job takes most companies 3-6 months. Ouch.

It’s cheaper for your employer to pay a premium to retain you and keep the role filled… while taking their time to search for a suitable replacement.

In the long-term it saves your employer money, compared to having the role vacant.

If you are putting your notice in, how can you be sure this isn’t about to happen to you?

Stay tuned for 3 more good reasons never to play the counter-offer game.

Dynamic Search Consulting is a boutique executive search firm, matching employers and top talent. We operate in the Silicon valley from San Jose, CA. Call us to discuss your headhunting needs.