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In a Recession, Picking the Right
Key Exec is Incredibly Vital

According to a recent article published by Gizmodo, the well-known hi-tech online magazine, Silicon Valley companies have laid off 32,000+ workers since the beginning of the year. Business intelligence specialist Crunchbase situates this number at 41,000+…

These are BIG numbers. How do you “degrease” without shedding top-shelf human capital? How do you hire sharper, even more skilled executives to “sherpa” your business throughout this predictably massive recession?

Headhunters like Dynamic Search Consulting offer an original approach to detecting profiles that will bring your business the “X Factor”, the extra dimension that is key to navigating the rough waters ahead.

The high-touch process we use to find this type of candidates is very different from the shotgun approach of some executive search firms. Why not take the time to call us, and discuss what you really need?