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Switching Job? Why Shouldn’t you
Accept a Counter-offer?

In our previous two posts, we looked at 4 reasons why no one leaving a job and giving their 2-week notice should consider and accept a counter-offer from the employer they are about to leave.

If you have been almost convinced by my plea to avoid entertaining the thought of accepting a counter-offer, I offer here Reason #5 to seal your conviction.


Whatever your reason for leaving is (be it over a raise or promotion or some other fundamental reason)… just sit down with your boss and HR, let them know, and see if you can work it out.

If you’re in the right relationship, they will appreciate you for voicing your concerns and either give you what you desire, or outline a path of how you can get there and under what timeline.

If after doing this you decide it’s still not sufficient or there are simply greener pastures elsewhere, stick to your decision, accept the competing offer, put your notice in, and don’t look back.

Thank me later.

I hope this series will have helped you reflect over what to do if these circumstances are yours.

Dynamic Search Consulting is a boutique executive search firm operating nationwide from its offices in San Jose, CA.