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Top Tech Talent Jumping Ship?

More Tech Talent Jumping Off Big Ships Into Smaller Boats

Many top-tier candidates were caught in recent big tech layoffs. Meanwhile, many startups and midsize companies in hypergrowth mode, chasing an IPO, or seeking an acquisition are fully taking advantage of the fact that usually “passive candidates” (employed, not looking for a job) have now become “active”.

These startups are aggressively scooping up newly available talent.

For other reasons, top talent not caught in recent downsizing have seen enterprise-level shakeups. To them, more nimble companies suddenly seem more interesting to work for.

These companies are typically characterized by a stronger culture of loyalty; their organization allow personal impact to be more visible and more immediate; they grant more decision-making authority to their top employees; and in some cases, they offer equity opportunity with a high valuation potential compared with blue chip stock.

So why not make the jump?

Tech startups definitely embrace the movement. If you need fresh and confirmed talent in the tech field, give us a call. We are very much on top of the market and we will find the type of candidates that fills out your expectations.