According to Statista, the Software as a Service (SaaS) market grew from $31B in 2015 to a projected $195B in 2023, up from $146B in 2021. No slowdown despite the 2020-2021 economic crash, but actually continued rapid growth — something very few other industries can boast.
As a recruiter, I often hear candidates stating they only want to work for a large company — a Tier 1, household brand-name. They perceive Corporate America as offering more stability (big corporations are less likely to go bankrupt), and more opportunities for career advancement.
As we navigate away from 2022 and its uncertain weather, we enter 2023 and waters that could be frankly rough. No matter how the economy and social tensions evolve, businesses that stand the strongest chances to make it through will necessarily
The word “Ghosting” is born in the dating community. Two persons make contact, go on a first date, continue texting afterwards… Then complete radio silence on one end of the line. No explanation, no goodbyes.
The new fiscal year is around the corner. Q4 is traditionally the time for organizations to reflect on their OKRs and KPIs for the next year. We owe the first roadmap to sound OKRs to Andy Grove of Intel, and his protégé John Doerr, who codified the method in his book “Measure What Matters”.
Executive recruiters have a unique pulse on the job market and, by extension, the economy. Why? Their job is to speak with Hiring Managers and candidates from various companies in any industry, on a daily basis.
What indicators does your organization use to plan out its hiring for the next 6-12 months? Does your C-Level suite agonize over the bipolar beat of “doom-&-gloom” vs. “all-is-well” media reports? Or do you have reliable sources to draw from?