“Exclusive” or “exclusivity” is a common term in the headhunting industry. When an employer hires a recruiter for an executive search, exclusivity is…
“Exclusive” or “exclusivity” is a common term in the headhunting industry. When an employer hires a recruiter for an executive search, exclusivity is…
Among the various areas of focus in the world of recruiting, the first is called Direct Hire or Permanent Placement. Both designations mean the same thing,…
Each subject has its own nomenclature, the executive search industry included. Knowing the nomenclature helps you navigate the various offers coming your…
If you are a hiring manager or recruiter, this is useful information in helping you to convert candidates at the sensitive post offer acceptance stage in ensuring they show up on their first day…
In our previous two posts, we looked at 4 reasons why no one leaving a job and giving their 2-week notice should consider and accept a counter-offer from the…
REASON #3: THEY DON’T APPRECIATE YOU It took you quitting… for your employer to realize you were unhappy and not being paid…
If you are an executive about to put your notice in and change jobs, this is for you. Having coached executives for the last decade in their job …
In view of the forces animating the job market since last year, the Great Resignation movement observed in 2021 and the current imbalance…
The BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) publishes a Occupational Outlook Handbook, a chapter of which is dedicated to executive salaries across the economy…
Reason #7: The final reason why partnering with a retained search firm to hire your top-level talent is a better idea than going with the contingent search model.
Reason #6: In this video, 6th of a series on the benefits of the retained search model, CEO David Kant expounds on when this model brings in a degree of confidentiality that the contingent search model can’t, and why it is important for a company when hiring C-level execs.
The “perfect fit” candidate has been found and given the nod. Time to craft the offer.
Employers want candidates excited to come work and stay long-term, without…