Targeting existing and prospective employees? A strong branding attracts more top talent and retains employees longer.
Targeting existing and prospective employees? A strong branding attracts more top talent and retains employees longer.
Virtually every business has an online presence of some sort today. For many, that extends to a social media presence.
You probably are aware of a new trend in the workplace: “Quiet Quitting”. The term describes the attitude of someone doing the bare minimum at work. Just enough not to get fired. Disengaged, no enthusiasm.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 311K in February, slightly below the average 343K
monthly gain over the prior 6 months (BLS 3/10/23).
Each day brings its load of mass layoff reports nationwide, spreading fear and shaking security everywhere. Employers react by taking a more cautious approach to hiring.
In a post-pandemic era, AI tools like ChatGPT are making fast inroads in the workplace.
Reflecting a longing for long-term change in the social construct towards more egalitarian models, DEI now has a government policy framework that favors its adoption by Corporate America.
Google up ‘hiring in a recession’ and you get a crop of “7 tips to ____”, “6 strategies for ___”, etc. Strangely enough, the top articles offer no relevant advice but oddities such as [to avoid missing on good talent] “offer longer breaks and nicer bathrooms”.
Judging by revenue growth, the SaaS industry seems to be recession-proof. According to Statista, worldwide user spending could reach $195 Bn in 2023. According to Ernst & Young, 2022 was already the second highest investment year on record in Q3
As every 3rd Monday of the month of January, our nation celebrates today the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. •MLK Day• didn’t just “happen” without any battle, however.
If you keep up with news and current events, endless headlines are painting a doom & gloom picture. Recession! Inflation! Massive layoffs in Corporate America! Bleak. There is a flip side to the coin however, and it’s called OPPORTUNITY.
According to Statista, the Software as a Service (SaaS) market grew from $31B in 2015 to a projected $195B in 2023, up from $146B in 2021. No slowdown despite the 2020-2021 economic crash, but actually continued rapid growth — something very few other industries can boast.