The New Year is just around the corner. For most companies, this is strategic planning time, which most likely includes budgeting for key talent…
The New Year is just around the corner. For most companies, this is strategic planning time, which most likely includes budgeting for key talent…
Retail sales remained unchanged in September, up 0.4% m/m, and 8.2% y-o-y. This better-than-expected figure would find a partial…
The latest job market report is interesting: “Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 263,000 in September… Notable job gains occurred in leisure an…
The labor market definitely looks different from the GDP and the inflation rate. We are hovering close to the record levels of 2019, with a nationwide unemployment rate of 3.7% in August…
The Consumer Price Index rose 0.1% in August, bringing inflation to 8.3% y-o-y. Restated for the prices of food and energy, the CPI rose 0.6% last month, and 6.3% y-o-y…
Inflation figures are persistently high, and the general sentiment is that the “period of steady growth” of the economy is about to turn…
According to a recent article published by Gizmodo, the well-known hi-tech online magazine, Silicon Valley companies have laid off 32,000+ workers sinc…
Two contenders remain for the position to fill, and you have to select one. Let’s look at “personality” and “cultural fit”, two elements of choice not found on a resume.…
This series is meant to help hiring managers make the critical decision of who to hire when a hiring campaign is down to the top 2 finalist candidates and you don’t have a clear winner standing out.
Employers need to know how their pay scale compares with current market rates. Lacking this insight, it is only a matter of time before a recruiter or a competitor’s HR manager calls your key…
When it comes to sales, a live call is the only way to dispel concerns, treat objections, and eventually make a sale. In this regard, the executive search industry is no…
If your efforts to reach out to a selective list of executive profiles does not pan out, what do you do?